The first of these contracts is with the United Arab Emirates to equip its Abu Dhabi-class vessels and Falaj 2-class stealth ships with MASS technology.
The German Navy also placed an order for 4 of its F125-class frigates to be equipped with the system.
Since its launch in 2002, Rheinmetall sold 158 MASS launchers. In 2009, it successfully penetrated the North American market when Canada chose the system for its Halifax-class frigate programme, marking an important milestone on the product’s path to becoming standard NATO equipment.
Fully automated, Rheinmetall’s MASS naval countermeasures system offers substantial tactical, operational and logistical advantages, and can be installed onboard any type of vessel. It can be integrated into the ship’s command and control infrastructure or serve as a stand-alone system. Innovative and programmable, the system’s omnispectral ammunition assures comprehensive protection in all relevant wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, including radar, infrared, laser, electro-optical and ultraviolet. Numerous test campaigns have demonstrated its effectiveness in compelling fashion.
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