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Al-raid SLV rocket made in Egypt

Posted by Arab Defense Industry on Monday, February 28, 2005

During April 1963 Egypt reportedly test-fired two of its new missiles (presumably the al-Zafir). These tests are believed to have used the transporter-erector-launchers (TEL) designed specifically for them. The implications of these tests (e.g., mobile missiles could be moved closer to the Israeli border and were more difficult to locate and destroy), raised the threat to Israel.
Three months later, during the military parade celebrating the 11th anniversary of the revolution, Egypt presented another surprise when it displayed four two-stage al-Ra'id (Pioneer) missiles. Egyptian officials described the al-Ra'id as a "space research rocket," but most observers properly identified it as a surface-to-surface missile. Published sources estimate that the al-Ra'id could carry either a 1,800 kg high explosives warhead or lift 900 kg into a relatively low earth orbit of approximately 482 km. The range of the al-Ra'id in the surface-to-surface role was estimated to be approximately 1,000 km. It was also reported at the time of the parade that the al-Ra'id has been successfully launched several times during May and June. Like the al-Zafir and al-Kahir, the al-Ra'id was liquid fueled, probably also utilizing kerosene and nitric acid. Egypt quickly announced that, by July 1964, it would launch a satellite designated the al-Najm (Star) into a low earth orbit utilizing the al-Ra'id, or a three-stage derivative, as a launch vehicle. The al-Najm was reported to be designed to explore the earth's electromagnetic field.

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